Get Your Home Ready To Sell

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Real Estate

Get Your Home Ready To Sell

**  Edge, mow and fertilize the lawn. Reseed sparse areas.

**  Trim hedges, weed lawns and flowerbeds, and prune trees. Cut back overgrown shrubbery.

**  Reseal cracks in foundation, steps, walkways, walls and patios. Power-wash the exterior.

**  Clean and align gutters and downspouts; clean the chimney.

**  Remove oil stains from driveway and garage. Keep walks and driveway swept or free of ice.

**  Wash the windows inside and out.

**  Hire a cleaning service to thoroughly clean the interior.

**  Paint the walls and ceilings off white or beige.

**  Repair cracks, holes and damage to plaster, wallboard, wallpaper, paint, and tiles.

**  Replace damaged windowpanes, moldings and woodwork.

**  Repair drippy faucets and showerheads. Unclog slow drains.

**  Shampoo carpets, scrub and wax linoleum or wood floors.

**  Clean out the fireplace and lay some logs in it.

**  Mend torn screens. Clean out all window tracks.

**  Replace burned-out light bulbs. Use brighter light bulbs.

**  Renail creaking boards or stairs; lubricate squeaking doors.

**  Clean all appliances (especially refrigerator and oven).

**  Replace old toilet seats and shower curtains.

**  Clear all cobwebs from corners and doorways.

**  Wash all light switches, handrails and doorknobs.

Feel free to contact me to help you get your home show ready!